All Work Health and Safety Courses
Health and Safety Representative
Initial 5 Day HSR Course - SafeWork NSW
(5 days public course or 5 days on site)
This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill their role as Health & Safety Representatives (HSRs) and influence health and safety outcomes in their workplace. This course was revised by SafeWork NSW at the end of 2022 and is the new course being delivered in 2023.
HSR Refresher Course - SafeWork NSW
(1 day public course or 1 day on site)
This course is intended for HSRs to refresh the information and skills attained in the initial 5 day HSR training course. This course was revised by SafeWork NSW at the end of 2022 and is the new course being delivered in 2023.
Working Effectively with Your HSRs Course
(3.5 hours on site)
This course aims to clarify for PCBUs, officers, senior managers, line managers and supervisors the requirements of consultation in the workplace by way of workgroups and HSRs, and the skills to work effectively with HSRs to facilitate consultation procedures between the PCBU and all members of the workforce.
Introduction to Health and Safety Representatives - Overview
(4 hours on site)
This course is for persons who are interested in becoming a health and safety representative for their designated workgroup, where the facts are presented, and persons can get their questions answered honestly so they may be able to make an informed decision about becoming an HSR.
Health and Safety Committee
Health & Safety Committee Course - 1 day PUBLIC
(1 day public course)
This course aims to increase participants knowledge and skills so that they can function effectively as a member of their WHS Committee…
Health & Safety Committee Course - 1 day ON SITE
(1 day on site course )
This course aims to increase participants knowledge and skills so that they can function effectively as a member of their Health & Safety Committee…
Effective Health & Safety Committee Course (for new committee members)
(2 days on site course)
This course aims to provide participants who are new HSC members and new to the subject of WHS with the basics of WHS, and increase knowledge and skills in their role as a member of a Health & Safety Committee...
Advanced Health & Safety Committee Course (for established HSCs)
(2 days on site course)
This course refreshes experienced committee members on the basics of WHS law, PCBU consultation, the correct functions of an HSC, and provides opportunities for HSC members to discuss more complex HSC matters and consultation issues and provide solutions to common problems using the WHS Act, WHS Regulation and published Guides...
WHS Committee Chairperson Course
(1 day public course, 1 day on site course)
This course aims to provide participants with further skills and certainty in their role as WHS committee chairperson, so that the HSC operates more effectively…
WHS Committee Refresher Course
(1 day on site course)
This course aims to refresh existing HSC members on WHS basics, the functions of an HSC, and their roles as a member of their health and safety committee...
OHS Committee course - VICTORIA legislation
(1 day on site course - can be delivered in Zoom/MS Teams)
This course aims to increase participants knowledge and skills so that they can function effectively as a member of their Health & Safety Committee in the state of Victoria.
WHS Risk Management
(1 day public course, 1 day on site course)
Every business and organisation must have a WHS management system. Officers must ensure it is being followed and supervisors and managers actively oversee its operation. Workplace hazards and risks are managed using the hierarchy of control measures described in the WHS Regulation. This course covers the application of WHS risk management principles to both physical and non-physical (psychosocial) risks in your workplace.
Mental Health and Psychosocial Risk Management
(1 day public course, 1 day on site course)
Workplace psychosocial hazards and risks now come under WHS and are to be managed in the same way as physical risks as per amendments to the NSW WHS Regulation in 2022. It is the duty of the PCBU (business) to manage risks. Directors and CEOs must ensure measures exist and are followed that ensure staff are being properly treated and that bullies, "gaslighters", and antisocial staff are caught before hazards become incidents. It is equally important to ensure that persons are not wrongly accused, and the right of an employer to insist that people do their jobs is not undermined. This course addresses psychosocial risk management only.
WHS Risk Management for Managers and Supervisors
(1 day on site course)
This course covers the actions that supervisors and managers take in the workplace to help reinforce the successful operation of the WHS management system and to ensure that workplace risks or hazards are identified with immediate measures taken to minimize the risk while information is obtained to properly manage the risk with risk controls if it could not otherwise be eliminated. This course includes physical and non-physical risk management.
WHS Risk Management — Construction Industry
(1 day on site course)
To raise the awareness and certainty of participants about typical risks and hazards that exist in the construction industry including falls from heights, being struck by moving objects, electrical hazards, operating machinery, etc. This course covers basic WHS risk management principles from the WHS Act, WHS Regulation, and Construction industry Code of Practice and may be useful for workers, supervisors, team leaders, and contractors that work at construction sites.
(1 day on site course)
Warehouse safety training is designed to educate employees about the best practices for maintaining a safe working environment in warehouses. It covers various topics, including proper picking and packing techniques, equipment operation, pedestrian safety, and hazard recognition. This training helps workers understand the risks associated with their tasks, giving them the knowledge they need to prevent accidents and protect their own safety as well as that of their co-workers.
WHS Risk Management - Corporate Safety and Risk Team
(1 day on site course)
This course covers the actions that supervisors and managers take in a corporate environment to manage risks and hazards normally considered "low risk" as well as risks and hazards associated with industries that are people-centric. It includes risk management of psychosocial risks and hazards.
Specialised WHS Risk Assessment Course
(1 day on site course)
This is a practical program with minimal theory suitable for operational staff. It is assumed that persons attending understand WHS basics and are familiar with the Hierarchy of Control measures, but a refresher on these basics will be done if requested. Persons participating in this program use their company's risk assessment tools to assess and manage real-world hazards and risks in the workplace and have the facilitator at their disposal for any questions or assistance.
Lead Incident Investigation Course (based on ICAM Methodology)
(1 day on site course)
Management persons investigating health and safety incidents need to be able to know how to properly investigate, report, and record incidents. Major incidents may involve SafeWork NSW or other Regulators. Training in investigations may also reference well-known methodologies such as the "Swiss Cheese Model" or "Five Whys Model" as part of Root Cause Analysis.
Risk Management of Hazardous Manual Tasks Course
(4 hours on site course)
This course aims to train Managers and Supervisors in applying the principles of WHS risk management to manual handling tasks as per Clause 60 of the WHS Regulation 2017…
Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals - Managers and Supervisors
(1 day on site course)
This course aims to provide managers and supervisors with the appropriate knowledge of risk management principles to supervise the use of chemicals in the workplace; contain and report hazards, risks, or incidents involving hazardous chemicals to senior management for proper risk assessment actions; participate in the consultation process between senior management and workers on WHS matters associated with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods; and assist in the implementation of management directives and activities that aim to eliminate or control the risks of those chemicals.
WHS Risk Management using ISO 31000 Methodology
This exclusively designed course aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to manage the risks of both WHS and Psychosocial hazards
using ISO 31000:2018 risk management framework methodology.
Management of WHS Risks - QUEENSLAND
This course covers WHS risks management principles as covered in the Queensland WHS Act and WHS Regulation including QLD-specific WHS requirements as overseen and enforced by WorkCover QLD. This course is suitable for all businesses in other states with operations in QLD.
Manual Handling and Ergonomics
Manual Handling: Hazardous Manual Tasks Course
(2 hours on site)
Information and instruction given to participants on hazardous manual tasks specific to your workers who perform manual handling tasks as part of their work…
Manual Handling: Hazardous Manual Tasks Course - QLD
Hazardous Manual Handling Training - VIC
Workstation Set-up & Manual Handling Basics
(3.5 hours on site)
This course aims to give participants the knowledge and skills to correctly set up their computer workstation…
Risk Management of Hazardous Manual Tasks Course
(3.5 hours on site)
This course aims to train Managers and Supervisors in applying the principles of Risk Management to manual handling tasks…
Workstation Ergonomic Assessments
This service aims to improve morale of office workers and reduce workers' compensation insurance by assessing individual workstations and providing workers with personalised knowledge and techniques to ergonomically adjust their workstations…
Online Learning: Manual Tasks for Workers
This course has been developed to provide workers with an understanding of the risks associated with manual tasks and an awareness of how to perform those tasks safely.
Online Learning: Office Ergonomics
This course, endorsed by the Safety Institute of Australia, has been designed to provide you with an understanding of how to set up a safe, healthy and productive office work space, and how to work safely in an office environment.
Compliance Audits and Assessments
Officer WHS Due Diligence Assessment
A consultant from Courtenell comes out to your work place to perform an Officer "due diligence" compliance assessment whereby operational managers of a business are audited on the duties of Officers as per Section 27 of the WHS Act
WHS Law and Compliance
WHS Law for Directors and Officers
(3 hours on site)
This training covers the mandatory legal requirements of a PCBU (business entity) under WHS law including Primary duty of care, Duty to manage risks, and the Duty to consult other duty holders and workers on WHS matters. It includes the duties of Officers to ensure compliance and applies to NSW businesses as well as businesses in other states that have operations in NSW.
WHS Due Diligence for Officers
(2 hours on site)
This course is a short course that covers the mandatory requirements of officers of a business to exercise "due diligence" in ensuring the business is in compliance with WHS law as per Section 27 of the NSW WHS Act 2011.
WHS Responsibilities for Duty Holders
(3.5 hours on site)
In the WHS Act there are clearly defined "duty holders" each of whom have specific duties, obligations, and responsibilities under WHS law. This course intends to clarify the roles of each duty holder and how they collaborate and interact with each other to contribute to the success of the WHS management system.
Consultation Compliance in NSW
(4 hours on site)
This course discusses PCBU consultation requirements and explores ways to successfully consult with workers, with the aim that participants will be able to discuss, coordinate and make decisions on how to formalise, improve, or modify their workplace WHS consultation arrangements.
WHS Induction for Workers
(4 hours on site)
This course aims to provide participants with a general induction into Work Health and Safety and their role in following the rules of the WHS management system…
OHS Law for Employers and Officers (VICTORIA)
(2 hours on site, or on line)
This training covers legal requirements for businesses in Victoria, in accordance with the VIC Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and OHS Regulations 2017. This training also applies to managers of NSW businesses that have operations in Victoria.
Psychosocial and Mental Health
Management of Psychosocial Risks and Hazards Course
(1 day public course, 1 day on site course)
Psychosocial hazards and risks are to be managed in the same way as any other physical risks in the workplace as per amendments made to the NSW WHS Regulation in 2022. Operationally, it falls on the leaders, managers, and supervisors to ensure that staff are protected from psychosocial hazards. It also includes the consequences of bullying, "gaslighting", and other non-inclusive behaviours before they lead to a psychosocial incident. It is equally important to ensure that persons are not wrongly accused, and the right of an employer to insist that people do their jobs is not undermined.
Psychosocial Awareness for Supervisors and Managers course
(4 hours on site)
This awareness course is to provide supervisors and managers with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, assess, and manage psychosocial risks within their teams, so they can address any deal with any occurrences and report to senior management for further risk management actions.
Mental Health First Aid course
(2 days on site)
This course aims to teach participants on providing initial assistance to another adult facing a mental health problem or crisis, until professional assistance is obtained, or the crisis resolves. Participants gain knowledge about identifying signs and symptoms of prevalent mental health issues in adults, understanding the progression of mental health problems, and recognizing available treatments and supports.
Mental Health Awareness for Managers and Supervisors course
(4 hours on site)
This course aims to provide business leaders, managers, and supervisors with basic knowledge to encourage staff wellbeing, promote positive culture at work and raise awareness of mental health issues.
Mental Health Awareness for Workers course
(4 hours on site)
This course aims to provide workers with basic knowledge to encourage staff wellbeing, promote positive culture at work and raise awareness of mental health issues amongst fellow staff and co-workers.
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
(3.5 hours on site course)
This course aims to brief business owners, officers and managers on : the legal requirements to prevent bullying in the workplace and how to prevent and respond to workplace bullying in accordance with the amendments to the WHS Regulation 2017.
Online Learning: Bullying and Harassment for Employees
This course has been designed to provide employees with an understanding about bullying and harassment in the workplace, the type of behaviour that should be avoided and what employees can do if bullying or harassment is occurring in their workplace.
Online Learning: Bullying and Harassment for Managers and Supervisors
This course has been designed to provide managers and supervisors with an understanding about workplace bullying and harassment, and what they can do to prevent and manage bullying and harassment in their workplace.
Integrated Management Systems
Second Party Audits
Courtenell can come to your site to perform second party audits for ISO 9001, 45001, 31000, 14001, and any other AS/NZS or ISO Standards and frameworks involving risk
Awareness Courses
Basics of a WHS Committee Course
(4 hours on site)
This course is suitable for both management and worker representatives of a health and safety committee seeking an introduction to WHS committee roles. The course aims to provide participants with a foundational understanding of HSCs and their function and serves as a gateway for new committee members.
Silica Awareness Course
(4 hours on site)
This is an introductory course designed to provide an awareness and overview of silica, how to identify it, what are the risks and hazards, and how it should be managed.
(4 hours on site)
This course is for persons who work in premises with asbestos or who may encounter asbestos in their work, such as in buildings, structures, machinery, or manufactured parts and products. The course focuses on risk management principles as may be applicable to materials with asbestos content.
Warehouse Safety Awareness Workshop
(4 hours on site course)
This course aims to improve participants awareness of safety in their daily activities and to assist in the development of appropriate attitudes and knowledge to enable employees to participate in the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses…
Working With Hazardous Chemicals Workshop
(1 day on site)
This course aims to train workers in the appropriate behaviours and attitudes they should adopt when handling hazardous chemicals.
Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals
(1 day on site)
This course aims to provide managers with the appropriate knowledge of Risk Management to the use of chemicals in the workplace …
Risk Management of Hazardous Manual Tasks Course
(4 hours on site)
This course aims to train Managers and Supervisors in applying the principles of WHS Risk Management to manual handling tasks…
Mental Health Awareness course
(4 hours on site)
This course aims to raise the awareness of adults (18 years and over) about how to provide initial support to other adults who are displaying behaviour that might indicate they are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Psychosocial Awareness for Supervisors and Managers course
(4 hours on site)
This awareness course is to introduce the leadership team of your business or organisation to the amendments to WHS law regarding psychosocial hazard and risk management and covers identification, assessment, and management of fourteen psychosocial hazards.
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
(3.5 hours on site)
This course aims to brief business owners, officers and managers on : the legal requirements to prevent bullying in the workplace and how to prevent and respond to workplace bullying in accordance with the amendments to the WHS Regulation 2017.
Introduction to Health and Safety Representatives - Overview
(4 hours on site)
This course is built around the NSW Worker Representation and Participation Guide, specifically the information on consultation workgroups and Health and Safety Representatives. This Q & A-style course provides answers to the most common questions about HSRs and what are the expectations from both management and employee perspectives and to provide encouragement to prospective HSRs.