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WHS Committee Chairperson Course

Why do this course?
NOTE: This course is not a "leadership course." It is assumed that your WHS committee chairperson has acceptable leadership skills to be able to manage people and control meetings.
In addition to the functions of a WHS committee as stated in the WHS Act, the course covers information from the NSW Consultation Code of Practice and other Regulator guides relevant to WHS consultation, committee functions, committee meetings, and solutions to common problems.
This course focuses on the chairperson's role in ensuring the functions of an HSC are carried out as per the WHS Act including dealing with attempts to pass duties or functions on to the HSC that do not belong to it or are not in accordance with WHS consultation arrangements and procedures as per Sections 48 and 49 of the WHS Act.
The course covers actions a chairperson takes in managing the committee's involvement in the consultation process between the decision makers of their organisation (representatives of the PCBU) and the workforce on WHS matters.
Course Aims

This course aims to provide participants with further skills and certainty in their role as Chairperson, so that the Committee operates more effectively.

Who Should Do the Course?


Chairpersons of Health & Safety Committees. 



1 Day  -  9am to 4.00pm 

Delivery Locations


This Public course is delivered in 2 locations in Sydney: Sydney CBD and  Blacktown.


This course is available for delivery at your site.

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