Manual Handling: Hazardous Manual Tasks Workshop
Why do this course?
Manual handling is one type of physical activity that falls under the category of "hazardous manual tasks." It is still the most common cause of workplace injuries in NSW.
Under the WHS Act, a Personal Conducting a Business or Undertaking (business entity) must provide adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision to staff in order for them to be able to perform their jobs safely. It is up to business owners and company directors to ensure these provisions are met.
This program presents information and instruction to persons who do manual handling tasks as part of their day-to-day job. All participants are required to demonstrate correct manual handling techniques, preferably in their workplaces and relevant to their actual job tasks.
Each participant receives a certificate of attendance which may be useful as evidence that the business has informed and instructed workers in manual handling tasks.
Course Aims
This training is designed to be specific to the manual handling tasks performed by persons in their day-to-day jobs and covers:
how the 5 risk factors of hazardous manual tasks can create injuries
doing their tasks with the least risk,
recognizing the risks and the best way to do their tasks
stretch exercises that reduce the risk of injury
manual handling responsibilities that apply in a workplace
Who should do the course?
Anyone who performs manual handling tasks as part of their work.
2 hours
Delivery Location
This course is available for delivery at your site and is ideally conducted in the actual workplace of participants.