Presently, one out of every six working-age Australians is struggling with mental health issues, predominantly displaying as depression and anxiety. Limited knowledge on adequately supporting employees with mental health conditions can incur significant expenses. Australian businesses face an annual loss of up to $11 billion attributed to factors such as staff turnover, expenses associated with re-hiring and re-training, and compensation claims. Furthermore, Australian employers are also now legally obligated to provide mentally safe and healthy workplace environments for their staff as a result of recent amendments to WHS legislation.
To address this concern, Courtenell’s Interactive Mental Health Awareness program has been designed to provide business leaders, managers, and supervisors with basic knowledge to encourage staff wellbeing, promote positive culture at work and raise awareness of mental health issues. The primary goal is to transition from a state of uncertainty or apprehension to a more assured and informed perspective, empowering employers with the knowledge of available resources to support both themselves and their teams.
On completion of this training, participants should be able to
Explain what mental health is and why it matters.
Describe Legal considerations and responsibilities of WHS Duty holders to manage psychosocial hazards and mental health.
Explain key components of Mental wellbeing.
Give examples of recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns, such as anxiety, panic attacks, and other common displays.
Explain risk factors for mental health concerns and their connection with mental health and stress.
Demonstrate recognition of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and other common anxiety disorders.
Explain ways to manage anxiety and depression.
Give examples of how they may be able to support and assist co-workers facing mental health concerns.
Give examples of how they may be able to demonstrate a positive safety culture in the workplace that includes the mental well-being of staff as well as their physical well-being.
Support building resilience and looking after mental health.
Discuss as a group, practical strategies for implementation within the organisation to promote wellbeing.
Describe ways they may be able to develop the skills to have effective conversations about stress, mental health, and wellbeing in the workplace.
Enhanced Employee Productivity: Increased mental health awareness leads to a more engaged and productive workforce.
Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover: A mentally healthy workplace reduces absenteeism and turnover rates, saving on recruitment and training costs.
Improved Employee Morale and Satisfaction: Fostering a supportive environment boosts morale, job satisfaction, and overall team cohesion.
Compliance with Legal and Ethical Standards: Demonstrating commitment to mental health awareness aligns with legal and ethical obligations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
Positive Employer Branding: A commitment to mental health awareness enhances the organisation's reputation and promotes the businesses image in regard to its social responsibility, making it an attractive place to work.
Increased Self-awareness: Participants gain a deeper understanding of their own mental health and well-being.
Enhanced Communication Skills: Improved ability to communicate effectively about mental health issues, reducing stigma and fostering open dialogue.
Personal Resilience Development: Acquiring coping strategies and resilience-building techniques for managing stress and challenges.
Access to Support Networks: Participants become aware of available mental health resources and support networks, facilitating access when needed.
Improved Overall Well-being: The course empowers participants to make informed choices for their mental health, contributing to a sense of overall well-being.
Public Face to Face
On-site workplace based.