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WHS Risk Management Overview

What is Work Health and Safety Risk Management?

WHS risk management is the systematic process of identifying hazards, assessing the risks associated with those hazards, instituting control measures that will minimise or eliminate the risks, and reviewing the control measures periodically to reaffirm they are effective. (Note this is different from business risk management such as financial and intellectual property risk.)


The WHS Regulation 2017 states that it is the duty of a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to manage risks in the workplace.


A business (PCBU) must identify reasonably foreseeable hazards and must

(a) eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable, and

(b) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety—minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.


Directors of the business must ensure that this legal requirement translates into real-world actions and measures that exist and are known and followed in the workplace. Directors may be personally liable for a breach.


Supervisors and managers must ensure staff follow the protocols and controls in place for risks that have been managed. These may include proper manual handling techniques, handling chemicals, using machinery and tools correctly, and wearing of appropriate PPE.  


In NSW as of 2022, psychosocial hazards and risks are to be managed in the same way as hazards and risks which may cause physical harm.

Information, Training, and Instruction

Clause 39 of the WHS Regulation 2017 requires that a PCBU must provide information, training and instruction for workers (this includes supervisors, managers, and team leaders) which is suitable and adequate having regard to:


  1. the nature of the work that they do

  2. the nature of the risks associated with the work they do, and

  3. the control measures


When risks have been managed, it is enforceable that workers follow any and all controls that have been put in place if the risk or hazard was not able to be eliminated entirely. Every worker has this duty to themselves and to others whom they work or interact with while at work.

Courses in WHS Risk Management

We have a number of different training courses in WHS risk management and WHS risk assessment which may help directors, executives, managers, supervisors, and workers to do their part in the continued success of the workplace WHS management system iin your workplace.


Management of WHS Risks course

Every business and organisation must have a WHS management system. Officers must ensure it is being followed and supervisors and managers actively oversee its operation. Workplace hazards and risks are managed using the hierarchy of control measures described in the WHS Regulation. This course covers the application of WHS risk management principles to both physical and non-physical (psychosocial) risks in your workplace. This course is available as a public venue course or delivered on site at your work premises.

WHS Risk Management for Managers and Supervisors


This course covers the actions that supervisors and managers take in the workplace to help reinforce the successful operation of the WHS management system and to ensure that workplace risks or hazards are identified with immediate measures taken to minimize the risk while information is obtained to properly manage the risk with risk controls if it could not otherwise be eliminated. This course includes physical and non-physical risk management. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.

WHS Risks management - Construction Industry

This is an ideal course for all persons who work at construction sites. It covers typical risks and hazards that exist in the construction industry including falls from heights, being struck by moving objects, electrical hazards, operating machinery, etc. This course covers basic WHS risk management principles from the WHS Act, WHS Regulation, and Construction industry Code of Practice and may be useful for workers, supervisors, team leaders, and contractors that work at construction sites. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.

Specialised WHS Risk Assessment Course


This is a practical program with minimal theory suitable for operational staff. It is assumed that persons attending understand WHS basics and are familiar with the Hierarchy of Control measures, but a refresher on these basics will be done if requested. Persons participating in this program use the risk assessment tools of their business to assess and manage real-world hazards and risks in the workplace and have the facilitator at their disposal for any questions or assistance. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.

Psychosocial Risk Management

Workplace psychosocial hazards and risks now come under WHS and are to be managed in the same way as physical risks as per amendments to the NSW WHS Regulation in 2022. It is the duty of the PCBU (business) to manage risks. Directors and CEOs must ensure measures exist and are followed. This course covers the new legal requirements for psychosocial risk management and explores the different types of psychosocial hazards and risks, some of which were previously covered under the Fair Work Act 2009 and administered by the Fair Work Commission. This course is available as a public venue course or delivered on site at your work premises.

Warehouse Safety (half day or whole day)

Warehouse safety training is designed to educate employees about the best practices for maintaining a safe working environment in warehouses. It covers various topics, including proper picking and packing techniques, equipment operation, pedestrian safety, and hazard recognition. This training helps workers understand the risks associated with their tasks, giving them the knowledge they need to prevent accidents and protect their own safety as well as that of their co-workers. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.


Hazardous Manual Tasks Risk Management Course

Clause 60 of the WHS Regulation 2017 states the actions a PCBU must take to identify, assess, and control or eliminate risks associated with hazardous manual tasks including manual handling and other activities that may cause musculoskeletal injuries. Included in this course are practical exercises on how to perform hazardous manual tasks correctly. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.


Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals

This course aims to provide line managers and supervisors with the appropriate knowledge of Risk Management principles to supervise the use of chemicals in the workplace; contain and report hazards, risks, or incidents involving hazardous chemicals to senior management for proper risk assessment actions; participate in the consultation process between senior management and workers on WHS matters associated with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods; and assist in the implementation of management directives and activities that aim to eliminate or control the risks of those chemicals. This course is delivered on site at your work premises.

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