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Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals 

Managers & Supervisors



This course aims to provide line managers and supervisors with the appropriate knowledge of Risk Management principles to:

  • Supervise the use of chemicals in the workplace in accordance with the WHS Act 2011 and the WHS Regulation 2017.

  • Contain and report hazards, risks, or incidents involving hazardous chemicals to senior management for proper risk assessment actions

  • Participate in the consultation process between senior management and workers on WHS matters associated with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods. 

  • Assist in the implementation of management directives and activities that aim to eliminate or control the risks of those chemicals




Participants should be able to:


  • define what are hazardous substances, dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals

  • explain the general principles of DG segregation

  • give examples of how to use the DG Segregation Table for the packing, storage and transportation of the different classes of hazardous materials

  • explain the purpose of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and describe the information contained in them

  • explain the “hierarchy of control measures”

  • identify the procedures and rules that they are expected to supervise staff on for the safe storage and handling of hazardous materials in the workplace.

  • describe emergency response measures

  • explain their duties as managers and supervisors in ensuring the success of the WHS management system.



  • Legal Compliance Assurance: Ensures that businesses are well-versed in legal requirements outlined in the WHS Legislation, ensuring the facilitation of a risk-aware workplace.

  • Enhanced Communication and Consultation: Improved communication and consultation practices foster a collaborative work environment, promoting a positive workplace culture, boosting overall efficiency and team cohesion.

  • Effective Hazard Identification and Analysis: Equipping participants with the knowledge to adequately supervise staff on their handling of hazardous substances, to initially identify and assess risks that may present themselves, and act accordingly as first responders to an incident that may occur.

  • Optimized Risk Management: The course emphasizes key information and governing principles for the storage and handling of hazardous materials and the supervision of staff who handle such materials, ensuring a safer work environment and minimizes the impact of potential risks on the organisation.

  • Continuous Improvement: Training in these principles demonstrates evidence of compliance with the Primary Duty of Care requirement of the PCBU under Section 19 of the WHS Act in the provision of information, instruction, and training for staff to be able to perform their jobs safely. Business owners, Directors and CEOs may benefit by being able to use the successful completion of such training as evidence of their “due diligence” actions required of them under Section 27 of the WHS Act. 



  • Increased Risk Management Skills: Participants gain knowledge essential for handling hazardous materials, empowering them to increase their confidence in contributing actively to maintaining risk management practices, leading to a safe and healthy workplace.

  • Enhanced Hazard Identification Abilities: The course equips participants with tools and techniques for hazard identification and correct handling of hazardous materials, thus improving their ability to recognise and potentially mitigate potential risks in day-to-day operations.

  • Understanding of Duty Holder Responsibilities: Participants can clearly identify WHS duty holders and appreciate their roles and responsibilities as WHS duty holders themselves, ensuring appropriate application of their duties in a supervisory role to further assist in the success of the WHS management system.

  • Competence in Risk Assessment: Individuals completing the course demonstrate increased competence in assessing risks associated with workplace hazards, making them potentially more valuable contributors to the organisation's risk assessment processes.


On-site workplace based.


1 Day 9am to 4 pm



Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance on successful completion of this course.

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