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Risk Management of Hazardous Manual Tasks

Why do this course?
A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a duty under Clause 60 of the WHS Regulation 2017 to manage hazards and risks to persons who are involved in hazardous manual tasks, including manual handling, repetitive work, and any other tasks which may cause physical stress or potential danger or harm to a person.
This is in conjunction with the overarching duty of the business to provide information, instruction, training, and supervision to staff so they are able to perform their jobs safely.
Manual handling is one type of hazardous manual task and is a major factor in a large percentage of workplace injuries.
Directors and CEOs must ensure that risk management principles are applied to hazardous manual tasks in the same way as any other risks or hazards in the workplace. 
Course Aims

This course aims to train managers and supervisors in applying the principles of WHS risk management to hazardous manual tasks including manual handling as per Clauses 32-38 and 60 of the WHS Regulation 2017.

Built around the Code of Practice Hazardous Manual Tasks (2019) this course is very hands-on and practical.


Who Should Do the Course?


Managers and Supervisors of staff who perform manual handling tasks.



4 hours


Delivery Location

This course is available for delivery at your site and is ideally conducted in the actual workplace of participants.

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