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Suggestions for Health & Safety Committee Members

All Health and Safety Committees have Management Representatives. Some Committees have;

  • only HSRs representing the workers, and

  • some Committees have no HSRs and only have Worker Representatives, and

  • other Committees have HSRs and Worker Representatives.

The list below contains suggestions that could be applied by any member of a Health and Safety Committee to help create an effective Committee and assist in the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses.

  • Do what you can to be appropriately informed and trained so that you understand and can deal with the WHS needs and hazards in your area of work.

  • Work cooperatively with management to agree on company policy and procedures that enable you to communicate and participate when necessary in the consultation process between workers and management about health and safety matters.

  • Be active in obtaining input from the workers you represent about the development, implementation, and evaluation of WHS policies, procedures, and other health and safety matters. Raise these at the Committee meeting.

  • Be prepared for the WHS issues that will be raised at the Committee meeting. Participate constructively in the meeting and in Committee activities.

  • Listen and consider management’s point of view. Respect the views of all members and treat others in the same manner that you wish to be treated.

  • Be willing and positive about resolving WHS issues.

  • Keep workers in your area informed about matters raised at the Health & and Safety Committee meetings, the decisions that were made, and progress on outstanding matters. Get their feedback about this.


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