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October – The Benefits of Safe Work Month

October 2018 is almost here and October is National Safe Work Month. Perhaps you have already prepared to reinforce your safe work efforts by joining in the promotion of safety in October? If not then we invite you to consider the resources that are available to you and the benefits of participating. Benefits are possible from even the most basic of actions.

National Safe Work Month is a promotion that is run each year by Safe Work Australia in October and supported by other State Safety Regulators such as NSW, Queensland, and WA, as Safe Work Month. The aim of this annual promotion is to raise awareness, reinforce health and safety actions and reduce work–related injuries.

There are ample reasons for doing so. For example work-related injury and disease costs the Australian community $61.8 billion in a year, and in 2017, 191 workers died while doing their job and over 106,000 persons made a claim for a serious injury.

The Benefits of Participating

An example of a simple basic action to take could be to download and display the National Safety Month logo or the items designed by Safe Work Australia for use on emails and websites that workers and clients can see. Also display them in a prominent position where public and visitors, your workers and contractors, can see your commitment to safety. The benefits to you are the raised attention to safety, the potential reduction in work–related injuries, and the promotional value that is generated.

And the more effort you put into this the greater the potential benefits. For example Safe Work Australia is offering funds to help make your safety project a reality.

We're offering between $2,000 and $20,000 to help fund great work health and safety projects. Apply online and bid for a chance to win the funds to make your project a reality. The best projects will win their funding bid and go in the running to win an additional $5,000 People’s Choice Award.”

The Available Resources and Suggestions

Safe Work Australia has an impressive list of resources that you can download and utilize such as: a campaign kit, ideas for your Safe Work Month activities, generic and industry specific posters, editable posters, flyers, safety information templates, state and industry based infographics, social media covers, and other promotional materials. You can check and download these resources from this link to Safe Work Australia’s website HERE

And for Safe Work Month, SafeWork NSW has a free safety tool kit available for you. “Get your workplace to take a closer look at safety during Safe Work Month with our FREE Toolkit. Over 20 great ideas and helpful tips that will get you looking at and talking about safety, every day!” Plus they offer opportunity to put your safety message and activities onto SafeWorks’ social media. To access SafeWork NSW’s Safety Work Month resources, paste this link in your browser,


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