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DYS Issue 65 - May 2019


A Culture of Operational Excellence – Professor Andrew Hopkins

Safe Work Australia has a video and transcript on their website of Professor Andrew Hopkins delivering a seminar about safety culture and management practices. One of the main points he makes is:

Rather than trying to change something as nebulous as safety culture, the focus should shift to changing the organisational or management practices that have an immediate and direct impact on workplace safety."

“It’s all about advocating a culture of operational excellence”

You can listen to the video and print off the transcript for use in your workplace from SafeWork Australia’s website HERE

Changes to the Workplace Right of Entry Scheme

As from “1 July 2019, the right of entry permits issued by the Fair Work Commission must include a photo and signature of the permit holders, along with any conditions on its use.” And;

“The changes to the notice of entry forms will ensure that all parties are aware of their statutory rights and responsibilities, and provide contact details for the appropriate regulator in the event of any queries, which will assist in reducing disputes over right of entry.”

See the media release from the Department of Jobs and Small Business HERE

SafeWork NSW Supports Amendments to First Aid Code of Practice

SafeWork NSW Executive Director Andrew Gavrielatos said the amendments to the model Code of Practice will support better emergency first aid in a range of working environments and circumstances.

“We fully support Safe Work Australia’s move to consider better first aid resources, especially in high risk workplaces where workers are exposed to allergens or asthmatic conditions – or in remote locations where the arrival of emergency response services are delayed,” Mr Gavrielatos said.

You can see Safe Work Australia’s First Aid Code of Practice 25 May 2018 on their website HERE

and SafeWork NSW’s media release HERE

Review of Changes Recommended to Model WHS Laws

The report of the first review of Australia’s model WHS laws was released in February 2019 and concluded that the objective of a harmonised approach to WHS regulation has largely been achieved and is strongly supported by business groups. However the report makes 34 recommendations for reform. Lawyers at Corr Chambers Westgarth have written an article that provides a useful overview of the Report and a number of its key recommendations. The article is called Industrial Manslaughter Offence and Other Changes to Model Work Health and Safety Laws and you can read that article on their website HERE


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This publication provides general information about WHS. It is not a legal opinion and does not represent a comprehensive statement of the law to be applied to a particular problem.

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