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DYS Issue 66 - July 2019


A Lack of Adequate Supervision Cost $588,000

This article explains why the PCBU was at fault, how the injury could have easily been avoided, and how you could use this case to review safety in your workplace. HERE

Officer Ordered to Have Due Diligence Training

This article explains why the judge made a training order and why more orders like this may be made in the future. HERE

Does Your Workplace Have Gaps in WHS Compliance?

A PCBU has the primary duty of WHS care and its Officers have a due diligence duty to ensure that the PCBU complies with any duty or obligation they have under the WHS Act. This article explains how you can find the gaps in compliance in your workplace. HERE

The Values of HSRs and Health & Safety Committee Members

This article looks at the values of HSRs and Health and Safety Committee members. In summary - they want to help. HERE

Your Input on the Recommendations in the Review of the Model WHS Laws

Safe Work Australia would like your input on the recommendations in the 2018 review of the Model WHS Laws. The closing date for input is the 5th of August. Your information will be used to assist Safe Work Australia to identify the options with the greatest net benefit, based on an analysis of the costs and benefits. HERE

Proposed Update on Labelling & Classification of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals

Safe Work Australia is considering moving to the 7th revised edition of the global system of labelling & classification of workplace hazardous chemicals. This move would help ensure that our system is aligned with Australia’s key trading partners. Your feedback will help ensure any changes will be implemented in the most effective way. HERE

Valid Right of Entry to Workplaces

A media release on 25/6/19 from the Australian Building & Construction Commission advises that “A Federal Court penalty judgment has reaffirmed earlier High Court and Full Federal Court rulings that union officials must hold valid federal entry permits when exercising rights of entry under state or territory OHS laws.” HERE


This publication provides general information about WHS. It is not a legal opinion and does not represent a comprehensive statement of the law to be applied to a particular problem.

Brought to you by Courtenell Pty Ltd, Work Health & Safety Training Specialists.

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