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DYS Issue 67 - October 2019


Motivated employees are key to workplace safety

Professor Mark Griffin from Curtin University, who co-authored recent research said,“Employers need to not only ensure that their employees are compliant with safety rules and procedures in place, but instead take initiative and act proactively when faced with challenging situations that may put other colleagues at risk”. See more HERE

SafeWork NSW video safety alert – asbestos clean-up costs exceeded $400,000

A contractor using a high-pressure water cleaner on an asbestos roof caused extensive and serious health and safety risks. SafeWork NSW released a safety alert in the form of an excellent and informative video of the situation that you can find on You Tube HERE

SafeWork NSW puts NSW business and employees on notice about obligations

“It is clear that more needs to be done to get the safety message through to people, which is why this month the NSW Government will be rolling out a number of new initiatives which aim to protect workers from serious injury or death.”

“While inspectors have seen some improvement in scaffold safety recently, the level of risk is still unacceptable with 44 per cent of scaffolds having missing parts, while on 36 per cent of sites it appeared unlicensed workers had altered or removed scaffolding components,” Mr Anderson, the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, said. See full statement – copy/paste link

2019 Safe Work Awards Finalists Named

To celebrate the 16th year of the awards, 16 businesses and individuals across eight award sectors have been named as finalists. “From big businesses to individuals, these awards acknowledge the commendable work we see in categories including ‘Excellence in Recovery at Work’, ‘Best Solution to High Risk Work Health and Safety Issue’, as well as acknowledging ‘Excellence in Return to Work’ for both businesses and individuals.” – Minister for Better Regulation. See details of finalists – copy/paste link

Using Realistic WHS Targets & Consultation for a Safe & Healthy Workplace

This article shows how SafeWork NSW is successfully reducing the number of fatalities, serious injuries and illnesses using the strategy that is set out in the Work Health & Safety Roadmap for NSW 2022. They had to revise the Roadmap in October 2018 because they had already achieved targets they had set for 2022. Perhaps there is something in the strategy used by Safe Work that you could adopt to help reduce injuries or illnesses in your workplace. HERE

Courtenell Calendar of Public Courses for Jan-June 2020

We have recently released this calendar of public course dates and you can download a PDF copy from our website HERE. It also includes a list of our onsite courses. If you want a copy of our July – December 2019 calendar you can get one at the same website link. If you have any questions please feel free to call Stephen Georgulis or Kevin Gaskell on 02 9552 2066, or email, or

How to Help Prevent Injuries in Your Workplace

There are two very important clauses in the WHS Regulation 2017 that every PCBU needs to be on top of. When it comes to preventing accidents these two are probably the most important clauses in the WHS Regulation 2017 which has 704 clauses in it. If you succeeded in fully applying either of these clauses to a hazard you could be confident that it would be highly unlikely that any worker or other person would be injured in your workplace because of that hazard. HERE

The Best Way to Set Up Work Groups for Consultation with Workers

On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made the correct decision in its allocation of work groups in the employer’s workplace. The IRC’s decision and how it arrived at that decision, could be of interest and use for any PCBU who uses HSRs and/or Health & Safety Committee members to consult with workers about workplace health and safety matters. HERE


This publication provides general information about WHS. It is not a legal opinion and does not represent a comprehensive statement of the law to be applied to a particular problem.

Brought to you by Courtenell Pty Ltd, Work Health & Safety Training Specialists.

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