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Feedback on HSR virtual courses

Weekly WHS Article 16th March 2023

Here is some feedback from one of our WHS trainers who delivers the SafeWork NSW HSR courses virtually in Zoom and MS Teams. SafeWork NSW call this mode of delivery "Real-Time Connected Delivery."

“Some key benefits to Courtenells' Virtual Training (for participants and their employers)

- Key benefit to an employer in booking virtual is that there's flexibility for their staff - they do not have to travel, do not have to book a room for their staff to run on site, do not have to cater,

- Participants seem to appreciate the fact they can do this from home in many cases. Our breaks and lunch break allow them to catch up on other work, take and make calls, but at the same time focus completely on the course when they are in the session,

- The flexibility for participants when emergencies arrive - which they invariably do - to pause/leave the session, then re-book on another virtual session sometimes as soon as the same week or following week is a key benefit to staff and employers. The fact we now run a high volume of virtual HSR training (as well as other courses) means re-booking on the next available date if staff are called away for work is a breeze,

- Technology making for a better learning experience for participants: I find the use of Zoom or Teams as a trainer allows me to use technologies for participants to engage with me and others in the group in new ways. e.g. having the 'Breakout Rooms' option in Zoom allows us to break off into smaller 'rooms' consisting of sub-groups off the main group. Say 2 - 3 participants working together on a scenario without the distractions of the group as a whole. I find this can bring out the engagement of those participants who may not be so comfortable speaking in front of a larger group of say 8-10 participants or more. Similarly, 'Polls' and 'Reactions' tools in Zoom allow for the training to be run in new ways a face to face does not allow for. As a result participants make very positive remarks about their learning experience and their certainty of knowledge.

- As a trainer - and as strange as this may seem - I actually find myself better prepared to engage with participants on a virtual course. Meaning I can give a far better delivery of the materials. Why? I believe this is because, as a trainer, I don't need to travel, don't need to find a car space, I don't need to find somewhere to have lunch, don't have to carry my materials. The list goes on. Running virtually means I have all my materials available and ready to go, and even in breaks I'm in front of the computer or I can at least hear it if a participant needs me for whatever reason...

- One on ones: I have found that participants appreciate having my phone number and email address to ask me questions, raise concerns or let me know if they're running behind schedule (in confidence) prior to, during and after the sessions. I'm not sure they could achieve this result in the same way via face to face learning.”

A well trained, motivated and active HSR is an asset to any organisation.

16th March 2023

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