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HSR Training for health and safety representatives

What HSR Training is available for a Health and Safety Representative?

A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is entitled to attend:

  • a 5 day HSR Training Course that is approved by SafeWork NSW, and

  • a 1 day Refresher Course approved by SafeWork NSW

and the course fees and reasonable costs for attending the course must be paid by the PCBU.

Click here for details of the 5 day HSR Training Course

Click here for the details of the 1 day HSR Refresher Course

Training for Management

Courtenell is also offering an information session for managers and supervisors so they understand the role and powers of HSRs.

Click here for details of the Working Effectively with your HSRs Information session. Please call our office for further information and package offers when you book HSR training.

What are the benefits of HSR Training

HSR training provides Health and Safety Representatives with information and skills that will assist them:

  • to be effective in the mandatory consultation process between their work group and the PCBU

  • to represent their work group

  • to carry out their role and functions with a view to being a positive influence on health and safety outcomes in their work area.

What are the Aims of HSR training?

The aims of HSR Training are to provide Health and Safety Representatives with information and skills relating to:

  • WHS Act legislative framework

  • The role and functions of SafeWork and their interaction with Health and Safety Representatives

  • Duties and responsibilities of PCBUs, officers, workers and other parties under the legislation

  • The nature of the consultation process with workers as required of the primary PCBU by the Act

  • The purpose and formation of a workgroup (or workgroups) within the workplace

  • Election process for Health and Safety Representatives and disqualification provisions

  • Health and Safety Committees (HSCs)

  • The entitlements, rights and protections of an elected Health and Safety Representative

  • Using negotiation, communication and problem solving skills and strategies as a Health and Safety Representative to represent a work group and to resolve work health and safety issues

  • Risk management and the use of risk controls, including the duties and responsibilities of various PCBUs under the legislation

  • How Health and Safety Representatives can use their functions and powers to contribute to risk management activities in the workplace

  • Provisional Improvement Notices and the right to cease, or direct the cessation of unsafe work

Click here for the details of the 1 day HSR Refresher Course

Who Can Attend HSR Training?

Persons who have been elected by their workgroup as a Health and Safety Representative can attend HSR Training.

Managers or supervisors who want to gain an understanding of the role and powers of HSRs can also attend these courses. Please note, completing this training does not entitle non-HSRs to have the full scope of powers of an HSR.

Who can deliver HSR Training?

The HSR Training Courses can only be provided by a SafeWork Approved Training Provider. Courtenell is a SafeWork NSW Approved Training Provider.

Where is HSR Training Delivered?

Courtenell can deliver HSR Training onsite at your premises or at one of our public venues in Sydney.



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