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What do HSRs Learn in SafeWork NSW’s new HSR Course?

Weekly WHS Article 29th June 2023

If an HSR wants to be able to that role fully, they must be trained on SafeWork NSW’s initial 5-day Health & Safety Representative Training Course if they request to do the course. HSRs represent the members of their work group in discussions with representatives of the PCBU regarding health and safety matters. The Initial HSR course was revised by SafeWork NSW in 2022 and the new course is being delivered as of 1 January 2023.

“Learners will be provided with information and skills that will assist them to carry out the role and function of an HSR in line with WHS legislation”.

On Day one of the course, on page 6 of SafeWork NSW’s Learner Workbook a learner will see the 6 objectives of the course.

“Specifically, by the end of the course learners will be able to:

  • Interpret work health and safety legislation and its relationship to the role of an HSR

  • Identify key parties, legislative obligations and duties

  • Establish representation in the workplace

  • Participate in consultation and issues resolution

  • Represent members in the WHS risk management process undertaken by the Person Conducting Business or Undertaking (PCBU)

  • Issue a provisional improvement notice (PIN) and direct the cessation of work.”

What topics do HSRs cover in the 5 days of the course?

The answers to this question are on page 5 of the SafeWork NSW’s Learner Handbook.

“This course is delivered over five days with the content of each day building on the previous. Below is an overview of the five-day course.

Day one provides an overview of the WHS legislative framework, duties of various parties and key terminology. It also covers the role of SafeWork NSW and penalties for non-compliance.

Day two covers the requirements for consultation in the workplace on work health and safety issues and the mechanisms available. The role of HSRs and Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and other available mechanisms are discussed as well as entitlements and protections.

Day three examines the consultative approach that can be used in resolving workplace health and safety issues through negotiation and conflict resolution and the skills HSRs can utilise to achieve successful outcomes.

It also provides learners with the skills and knowledge to identify hazards and ways in which they can be eliminated or minimised.

Day four builds on the outcomes of day three with several practical exercises. It addresses incident notification and includes activities demonstrating how HSRs can contribute to incident investigation.

Day five provides learners with the information and skills HSRs require regarding the issuing of Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) and directing unsafe work to cease where negotiation and issue resolution has been unsuccessful or immediate action is required.

The course concludes with a summary and review of the course learning outcomes and discussion on sources of information that can assist HSRs in the continuous learning process.”

We here at Courtenell are impressed by the updated and revised version of the 5-day course that Safe Work NSW released in late 2022. And the higher level of positivity in the feedbacks and verbal remarks that we get from learners supports that view.

29th June 2023

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