How to Minimise WHS Risks in Your Workplace
Minimising WHS risk so far as is reasonably practicable means that the risk is not eliminated but it is reduced to the lowest possible...
What is a Safety Champion?
A Safety Champion is a person who works with the organisation’s health and safety system to set a good example, and to encourage and ...
Doing a gap analysis may save you from prosecution
In the unfortunate event of there being a WHS incident in your workplace, SafeWork NSW may come out to investigate. When SafeWork NSW...
Officer ordered to have "Due Diligence" training
Up until this time it has been rare to see an Officer of a business or organisation prosecuted, fined and given an order to do WHS training.
“Reasonably Practicable” ... Fried Onions at Bunnings
In 2018 several media outlets ran a story about how Bunnings had changed the way its iconic sausage and bread delicacy could be...
WHS Due Diligence Reviews are Important
The importance of reviewing your WHS management system and ensuring that directors demonstrate their WHS "due diligence" requirements .....
Why the Judge Convicted the Officer
In a Sydney District Court judgement on the 2nd of November 2017 an Officer was convicted of failing to comply with his duty to exercise ...
Industrial Manslaughter New WHS Offence in Queensland
Under the harmonised WHS system, all States and Territories (except Victoria) have a Work Health & Safety Act based on the model WHS...
Why SafeWork NSW Prosecuted the Worker
A Worker was convicted in early October by the NSW District Court for not complying with his WHS duty under section 28 of the WHS Act....
Management by walking around (MWBA)
Management by Walking Around (MWBA) has been in use for about 44 years. You probably have some knowledge or familiarity with this informal s
"Yes... but can you prove it?"
In 2017, SafeWork NSW inspectors did a crackdown on WHS consultation compliance. They were focused on businesses being able to provide...
$1.5 million Enforceable Undertaking or Prosecution by SafeWork NSW
In July 2017 a PCBU entered into a $1.5 million enforceable undertaking with SafeWork NSW and thus avoided being prosecuted. An...
A Fatal Lack of Officer Due Diligence
Two prosecutions of companies and their Officers under the Model WHS Laws may be of interest to anyone who is an Officer themselves. An Offi