Common Psychosocial Hazards at Work
Weekly WHS Article 9th February 2023 The NSW WHS Regulation (subclause 55A) defines psychosocial hazard as; “A psychosocial hazard is a...
HSRs need to be trained on Psychosocial Hazards & Risks
Should HSRs be trained on psychosocial hazards & risks? The answer is yes.
Bullying or Reasonable Management Action?
At some point, an employer may need to manage an underperforming staff member. However, care needs to be taken to avoid bullying a staff...
Psychosocial Risks – Inform, Train, Instruct, Supervise
Psychosocial hazards and risks were specifically incorporated into the WHS Regulation on 1 October 2022 and such hazards and risks must ...
WHS "101"
The following points are arguably the most foundational principles of work health and safety. Every person ....
Psychosocial Hazards and “Gaslighting”
The term “gaslighting” is a term which describes conduct also known as “subtle workplace bullying.” Hazards, risks, and incidents ....
“Quiet Quitting” and Psychosocial Hazards
“Quiet quitting” is described as either a) doing the bare minimum in your job, or b) just not striving to overachieve. It’s quitting the ...
Psychosocial Risks are now in WHS Regulation
On the 1st of October 2022 four new clauses about psychosocial risks became part of WHS law in NSW. ...
New Psychosocial Responsibilities for Business Owners and Company Directors
On the 1st of October 2022 four new additions to the NSW WHS Regulation 2017 occurred. These were all to do with psychosocial risk managemen
28 NSW Codes of Practice
There are 28 NSW Codes of Practice that give practical guidance in how to achieve the standards of health, safety and welfare required ...
Non-physical risks must be handled the same as physical risks
The new Laws on psychosocial hazards and risks tell us that non-physical risks and hazards must be handled the same way as physical...
Employer found not guilty of workplace bullying
In Robertson v State of Queensland [2020] QDC 185 a nurse working at Gold Coast Hospital made a claim for damages alleging she suffered...
Minimising WHS Risks –What Does Reasonably Practicable Mean?
Weekly WHS Article 18th January 2022 The most important actions in managing WHS risks in your workplace involves eliminating risks so far...