Maintenance and Review of WHS Risk Controls
If all WHS risks in your workplace have been eliminated or controlled (as per the Hierarchy of Control Measures described in the ...
How to Minimise WHS Risks in Your Workplace
Minimising WHS risk so far as is reasonably practicable means that the risk is not eliminated but it is reduced to the lowest possible...
Case study: Determining work groups for WHS consultation
On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made....
Changes in the Consultation Code of Practice (2019)
On 30 August 2019 SafeWork NSW released an updated Consultation, Co-ordination, and Co-operation Code of Practice. ...
What is a Safety Champion?
A Safety Champion is a person who works with the organisation’s health and safety system to set a good example, and to encourage and ...
A Day in the Life of a Health and Safety Representative
Have you seen the video by SafeWork NSW called “A Day in the Life of a HSR”. It’s only 1 min 48 seconds long and is the result of ....
Running effective HSCs - Solutions to common problems
The effectiveness of health and safety committees depends on the commitment, knowledge, and individual areas of expertise of their...
Upskilling your WHS committee members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives (if they ...
“Reasonably Practicable” ... Fried Onions at Bunnings
In 2018 several media outlets ran a story about how Bunnings had changed the way its iconic sausage and bread delicacy could be...
Consulting with workers and worker representatives
A business must consult with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking and who are, or are likely to be, directly ...
What is a Reasonably Foreseeable Hazard?
As you know, a PCBU has a duty under Section 19 of the WHS Act to ensure, so far as "reasonably practicable", the health and safety of...
What or Who is a PCBU?
The words, “person conducting a business or undertaking” (PCBU), appear frequently in the WHS Act.
Suggestions for Health & Safety Committee Members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives ...