Deaths from falls
Fatalities caused by falling from heights remains the second highest cause of workplace deaths in Australia, second only to vehicle...
Toolbox Talks: A Closer Look at Workplace Communication
Toolbox talks are short, informal safety meetings that take place in the workplace. They reinforce safety protocols and encourage safe...
Business owners and Directors: Questions to ask yourself
Business owners, company directors and CEOs have mandatory requirements to ensure that the business they manage is meeting its primary...
Worker amputation leads to two businesses prosecuted and fined
A manufacturing facility in Victoria was fined following an incident in which a worker’s finger was amputated while working ...
Can Workers be prosecuted under the WHS Legislation?
Under Section 28 of the WHS Act, workers are required to follow reasonable instructions from their supervisors and managers.
Is vaping in the office ok?
SafeWork NSW states that environmental e-cigarette vapour, second-hand e-cigarette vapour or passive vaping should be treated ...
Labour hire workers and WHS
Labour hire involves a host organisation using workers from a labour hire agency, for a temporary period of time. The first company ....
This term "Officer"
When talking about the highest level of management people in a business, those individuals who are entrusted with ....
Duty of Care at Work vs. Duty of Care in Society
Duty of Care under WHS law and Duty of care under Civil law are not quite the same thing. WHS law applies to businesses and...
Your Views Matter
Workers at every workplace in Australia, irrespective of the nature and risk of the business, must be consulted as far as is reasonably...
What are the Key Components of Non-delegable WHS Duties for Businesses?
Non-delegable WHS duties are specific responsibilities that cannot be passed on to others. ...
Safe Work Australia Advice on WHS Consultation
Weekly WHS Article 8th November 2023 A PCBU must consult with their workers about work health and safety matters in their workplace....
Psychosocial Situations and Psychological Injuries
SafeWork NSW’s Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, lists 14 common psychosocial hazards.