Differences between Model WHS laws and VIC OHS laws
With the exception of the state of Victoria, all other states and territories are on the Model WHS Laws which were enacted ...
Bullying or Reasonable Management Action?
At some point, an employer may need to manage an underperforming staff member. However, care needs to be taken to avoid bullying a staff...
“We have a health and safety committee” does not mean “We have Consultation covered”
A health and safety committee doesn't replace other consultation systems or procedures. Consultation must be able to occur any day ....
WHS duties are non-delegable
Not Only are WHS Duties “Not Transferrable” … but it is also illegal to subcontract out WHS duties too!
Codes of Practice and Courts of Law
The Work Health and Safety legislation aims to empower businesses in creating and operating a health and safety management system ...
Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 23rd August 2022 The last three years have seen major changes in how businesses conduct their operations in Australia....
Employer found not guilty of workplace bullying
In Robertson v State of Queensland [2020] QDC 185 a nurse working at Gold Coast Hospital made a claim for damages alleging she suffered...
Workers have WHS duties too
Workers have health and safety duties such as being responsible for their own health and safety and taking care around the people ...
Do Workers Have the Right to Cease or Refuse Unsafe Work?
“A worker may cease, or refuse to carry out, work if the worker has a reasonable concern that to carry out the work would expose the...
Your WHS management system must comply with the laws of the jurisdictions in which you operate
Businesses are expected to comply with the laws of the jurisdictions they operate in. This also applies to WHS laws ....
Keeping Your Workplace Safe & Healthy
Weekly WHS Article 20th May 2021 The PCBU’s overarching duty of care The WHS Act (Section 19) requires that the PCBU must ensure as far...
Enforceable Undertaking $1.4 Million with Industry & Community Benefits
When a PCBU (business, organisation, corporation) has entered into an enforceable undertaking with SafeWork NSW it means that SafeWork...
Clear Communication, Understanding, and Health and Safety
Every person in a workplace is a WHS duty holder. All WHS duty holders must know that their PCBU has the overarching duty to train its...