Can Workers be prosecuted under the WHS Legislation?
Under Section 28 of the WHS Act, workers are required to follow reasonable instructions from their supervisors and managers.
Should an HSC be involved in issue resolution or health and safety disputes?
If a business has not arranged its own issue resolution process it must follow the default procedure outlined in the WHS Regulation ....
Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....
Judge comes down hard on “reckless indifference”
The following court case is an example of a business owner running a business without sufficient knowledge of their WHS responsibilities ...
What is a Work Group?
A “work group” in WHS law are groups of people within the business that are represented by one person and their deputy for the purpose ...
The role of the Regulator (WHS)
The Commonwealth, states and territories are responsible for making their own work health and safety (WHS) laws. Each jurisdiction has a...
Employer representatives of a WHS Committee
Under the NSW WHS Act 2011, a business owner or employer can establish an HSC for the whole workplace or for parts of the workplace. ...
"Any other functions" of a Health and Safety Committee must be consistent with requirements of the WHS Act
For some businesses, government bodies, and other organisations, a health and safety committee (HSC) may be a valuable resource to ...
Differences between Model WHS laws and VIC OHS laws
With the exception of the state of Victoria, all other states and territories are on the Model WHS Laws which were enacted ...
WHS duties are non-delegable
Not Only are WHS Duties “Not Transferrable” … but it is also illegal to subcontract out WHS duties too!
HSR Training Online
Courtenell delivers both the SafeWork NSW Initial 5-Day Health and Safety Representative course, and SafeWork NSW 1-Day HSR Refresher course
Case study: Determining work groups for WHS consultation
On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made....
A Day in the Life of a Health and Safety Representative
Have you seen the video by SafeWork NSW called “A Day in the Life of a HSR”. It’s only 1 min 48 seconds long and is the result of ....