Should an HSC be involved in issue resolution or health and safety disputes?
If a business has not arranged its own issue resolution process it must follow the default procedure outlined in the WHS Regulation ....

Safe Work Australia Advice on WHS Consultation
Weekly WHS Article 8th November 2023 A PCBU must consult with their workers about work health and safety matters in their workplace....

What a Health and Safety Committee is Not
It has been over 10 years since New South Wales adopted the Model WHS laws. The WHS Act and WHS Regulation replace the repealed OHS Act ...

Training for Health & Safety Committee members
Members of an organisation’s Health and Safety Committee can bring important skills and experience in their workplace to the committee ....

Employer representatives of a WHS Committee
Under the NSW WHS Act 2011, a business owner or employer can establish an HSC for the whole workplace or for parts of the workplace. ...

"Any other functions" of a Health and Safety Committee must be consistent with requirements of the WHS Act
For some businesses, government bodies, and other organisations, a health and safety committee (HSC) may be a valuable resource to ...

“We have a health and safety committee” does not mean “We have Consultation covered”
A health and safety committee doesn't replace other consultation systems or procedures. Consultation must be able to occur any day ....

Running effective HSCs - Solutions to common problems
The effectiveness of health and safety committees depends on the commitment, knowledge, and individual areas of expertise of their...

Upskilling your WHS committee members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives (if they ...

How to Chair an Effective Health & Safety Committee Meeting
A WHS committee chairperson’s ability to be effective is dependent on their clear understanding, respect of, and adherence to the duties ...