Considering Certification to ISO 45001?
Much of the success of an organization is reliant on the ongoing contributions of its staff. ...

Court clarifies HSRs right to choose a HSR course
A decision by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission on 3 March 2017 has made it clear that a HSR can choose the HSR course they want to...

How many First Aiders do you need?
The WHS Regulation 2017 requires every PCBU to have an “adequate” number of trained first aiders. It is up to business owners and company di

Solar UV Radiation Risk Management
Australia can endure some very hot temperatures. Records for Australia going back to the 1800s reveal that there were some months ...

How and When to Review Your First Aid Arrangements
There is nothing like a real first aid emergency to test whether your first aid response, treatment and procedures are adequate and ...

First WHS conviction for PCBU not consulting with other PCBUs
In May 2016 a PCBU was prosecuted and convicted for not consulting with other PCBUs – Section 46 of the WHS Act 2011. It is the duty ....

Falls from Heights - lessons learned
On the 10th of December 2015 Safework NSW published a media release with preliminary findings about why a window cleaner’s cradle with ....

SafeWork NSW: Their Compliance and Enforcement Tools
SafeWork NSW has a number of tools in its compliance and enforcement toolbox. Those tools range from giving advice or guidance up to...

How SafeWork NSW Decides on Compliance & Enforcement Action
If a SafeWork NSW Inspector found evidence of a breach of WHS laws in a workplace, the Inspector would carry out the next steps according...

Documenting WHS consultation actions
Is it mandatory to document your WHS consultation actions? The Work Health & Safety Consultation, Co-Operation and Co-Ordination Code of...

Accused found not to be an "Officer”
A very recent court case may help to guide managers and leaders on whether they are, or are not, a duty holder called Officer ...

The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies
In 2008 the Attorney-General's Department of the Australian government published a report on their website called ...

Are There Unavoidable Risks in Your Workplace?
Safe Work Australia released a report called Work Health & Safety Perceptions: Manufacturing Industry in February 2015 that is...