28 NSW Codes of Practice
There are 28 NSW Codes of Practice that give practical guidance in how to achieve the standards of health, safety and welfare required ...

Know Your Psychosocial Hazards at Work
Company directors and business owners must talk to staff about WHS risks including psychosocial hazards in their workplace in keeping ...

WHS Law Framework
The Robens Model was derived from a report published in the UK in 1972 by Lord Alfred Robens proposing changes to the UK Occupational...

Managers & Supervisors need to be trained
Company Directors, CEOs, and business owners need to use and be able to rely on their Managers and Supervisors to carry out actions ....

Do Workers Have the Right to Cease or Refuse Unsafe Work?
“A worker may cease, or refuse to carry out, work if the worker has a reasonable concern that to carry out the work would expose the...

Provide Information, Training, Instruction, and Supervision
The NSW Code of Practice: How to Manage Health & Safety Risks, has very useful guidance that you can use to compare with the actions ....

Using SafeWork NSW’s Risk Radar to Improve WHS
We recommend taking a look at the SafeWork NSW's Risk radar | SafeWork NSW . In Risk Radar you can select each job in your industry and...

SafeWork NSW extends online HSR courses window
(2020) SafeWork NSW has advised us that they have extended the time in which SafeWork’s HSR courses can be delivered by Real Time Remote...

Time Frames for HSRs
Time frame for negotiating to have HSRs If one or more workers requests to have health and safety representatives represent them for the...

HSR Training Online
Courtenell delivers both the SafeWork NSW Initial 5-Day Health and Safety Representative course, and SafeWork NSW 1-Day HSR Refresher course

Clear Communication, Understanding, and Health and Safety
Every person in a workplace is a WHS duty holder. All WHS duty holders must know that their PCBU has the overarching duty to train its...

Maintenance and Review of WHS Risk Controls
If all WHS risks in your workplace have been eliminated or controlled (as per the Hierarchy of Control Measures described in the ...

Case study: Determining work groups for WHS consultation
On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made....