Deaths from falls
Fatalities caused by falling from heights remains the second highest cause of workplace deaths in Australia, second only to vehicle...

Business owners and Directors: Questions to ask yourself
Business owners, company directors and CEOs have mandatory legal requirements to ensure that the business they manage is meeting its...

$40,000 fine for warehouse traffic management plan failures
A warehousing company in Victoria has just been fined $40,000 for repeatedly failing to follow its traffic management system.

Business owners, Directors, and CEOs may face up to 25 years imprisonment under new Industrial Manslaughter laws
From 16 September 2024 Industrial manslaughter is now an offence in New South Wales. This means that business owners, directors and CEOs...

Lack of training leads to $100,000 fine
A family-owned business in Queensland that produces firewood and its director have just been fined over $100,000 in relation to a...

Is vaping in the office ok?
SafeWork NSW states that environmental e-cigarette vapour, second-hand e-cigarette vapour or passive vaping should be treated ...

Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....

Three Categories of WHS Offences and a Table of NSW Penalty Units (2024-2025)
The NSW WHS Act 2011 has recently been amended. These amendments have included an increase in the penalty rates for WHS breaches. ....

Judge comes down hard on “reckless indifference”
The following court case is an example of a business owner running a business without sufficient knowledge of their WHS responsibilities ...

Man’s hand crushed in machine
On 27 May 2021, a worker of a metal recycling company in South Western Sydney suffered serious hand injuries while attempting to remove...

Truck Driver Killed by Oncoming Truck
Weekly WHS Article 20th June 2024 What happened? A large, refrigerated transport business has just been convicted and fined $800,000 in...

Risk Management for all Industries
Weekly WHS Article 15th May 2024 While the procedures for identifying, assessing, and controlling or eliminating workplace risks and...

This term "Officer"
When talking about the highest level of management people in a business, those individuals who are entrusted with ....