Officer ordered to have "Due Diligence" training
Up until this time it has been rare to see an Officer of a business or organisation prosecuted, fined and given an order to do WHS training.

WHS Due Diligence Reviews are Important
The importance of reviewing your WHS management system and ensuring that directors demonstrate their WHS "due diligence" requirements .....

Why the Judge Convicted the Officer
In a Sydney District Court judgement on the 2nd of November 2017 an Officer was convicted of failing to comply with his duty to exercise ...

Industrial Manslaughter New WHS Offence in Queensland
Under the harmonised WHS system, all States and Territories (except Victoria) have a Work Health & Safety Act based on the model WHS...

Management by walking around (MWBA)
Management by Walking Around (MWBA) has been in use for about 44 years. You probably have some knowledge or familiarity with this informal s

A Fatal Lack of Officer Due Diligence
Two prosecutions of companies and their Officers under the Model WHS Laws may be of interest to anyone who is an Officer themselves. An Offi

Solar UV Radiation Risk Management
Australia can endure some very hot temperatures. Records for Australia going back to the 1800s reveal that there were some months ...

Documenting WHS consultation actions
Is it mandatory to document your WHS consultation actions? The Work Health & Safety Consultation, Co-Operation and Co-Ordination Code of...

A Fatality and $1.1 Million WHS Fine (2014)
This recent fine is one of the highest, if not the highest fine, under the harmonised WHS legislation in Australia. The tragic fatality...

Accused found not to be an "Officer”
A very recent court case may help to guide managers and leaders on whether they are, or are not, a duty holder called Officer ...

The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies
In 2008 the Attorney-General's Department of the Australian government published a report on their website called ...