Deaths from falls
Fatalities caused by falling from heights remains the second highest cause of workplace deaths in Australia, second only to vehicle...
Is vaping in the office ok?
SafeWork NSW states that environmental e-cigarette vapour, second-hand e-cigarette vapour or passive vaping should be treated ...
Upstream Duty Holders
PCBUs that manufacture and supply plant, equipment, and machinery have their own responsibilities under WHS Law. ....
Judge comes down hard on “reckless indifference”
The following court case is an example of a business owner running a business without sufficient knowledge of their WHS responsibilities ...
Man’s hand crushed in machine
On 27 May 2021, a worker of a metal recycling company in South Western Sydney suffered serious hand injuries while attempting to remove...
Risk Management for all Industries
Weekly WHS Article 15th May 2024 While the procedures for identifying, assessing, and controlling or eliminating workplace risks and...
Psychosocial Situations and Psychological Injuries
SafeWork NSW’s Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, lists 14 common psychosocial hazards.
WHS Codes of Practice
A model WHS code of practice developed by SafeWork Australia and approved by SafeWork NSW can be very useful when dealing with ...
Reporting processes must include Psychosocial hazards
Processes for reporting work health and safety hazards and incidents are integral to the Safety Management System for every business and ...
What does "Due Diligence" mean in a WHS Context?
Section 27 of the WHS Act 2011requires that, officers of a PCBU “must exercise due diligence to ensure..."
WHS Law: “Everything old is new again”
When the Model WHS laws commenced in Australia in 2012 it brought to Australia a new and updated look at workplace health and safety and ...
Psychosocial Risks – Inform, Train, Instruct, Supervise
Psychosocial hazards and risks were specifically incorporated into the WHS Regulation on 1 October 2022 and such hazards and risks must ...
WHS "101"
The following points are arguably the most foundational principles of work health and safety. Every person ....