What is a Safety Champion?
A Safety Champion is a person who works with the organisation’s health and safety system to set a good example, and to encourage and ...

A Lack of Adequate Supervision Cost $588,000
In July 2016, the NSW Court of Appeal awarded a worker $588,000 in damages for a disabling injury suffered at work. Why the PCBU was...

Manual Handling: Hazardous Manual Tasks - Are They in Your Workplace?
This article was first published in 2018 The good news is that major manual handling injuries in NSW dropped 3%, from 29% in 2015-16 to...

Doing a gap analysis may save you from prosecution
In the unfortunate event of there being a WHS incident in your workplace, SafeWork NSW may come out to investigate. When SafeWork NSW...

A Day in the Life of a Health and Safety Representative
Have you seen the video by SafeWork NSW called “A Day in the Life of a HSR”. It’s only 1 min 48 seconds long and is the result of ....

SIRA’s Competency Requirements for RTW Coordinators
As previously advised. The SIRA approved 2-day, face-to-face, Introduction to Return to Work Coordination Course, will be withdrawn on...

Running effective HSCs - Solutions to common problems
The effectiveness of health and safety committees depends on the commitment, knowledge, and individual areas of expertise of their...

Officer ordered to have "Due Diligence" training
Up until this time it has been rare to see an Officer of a business or organisation prosecuted, fined and given an order to do WHS training.

Two questions regarding WHS consultation
We often get questions from clients about what they have to do to comply with WHS consultation requirements. Two common questions are...

WHS Training for new people
The answers to this question are not always obvious. The main places to look for the answers are in the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act)

Working with a SafeWork NSW Inspector
SafeWork NSW issued a ministerial media release in 2019 to " remind businesses and workers that it is a criminal offence to hinder,...

Upskilling your WHS committee members
The WHS Act does not say "who" exactly should be on a health and safety committee, other than Health and Safety Representatives (if they ...

“Reasonably Practicable” ... Fried Onions at Bunnings
In 2018 several media outlets ran a story about how Bunnings had changed the way its iconic sausage and bread delicacy could be...