Clear Communication, Understanding, and Health and Safety
Every person in a workplace is a WHS duty holder. All WHS duty holders must know that their PCBU has the overarching duty to train its...

Work Health and Safety Roadmap for NSW 2022
SafeWork NSW is successfully reducing the number of fatalities, serious injuries and illnesses using the strategy that is set out in the...

Case study: Determining work groups for WHS consultation
On the 9th of July 2019 the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) delivered its decision on whether an employer had made....

Changes in the Consultation Code of Practice (2019)
On 30 August 2019 SafeWork NSW released an updated Consultation, Co-ordination, and Co-operation Code of Practice. ...

What is a Safety Champion?
A Safety Champion is a person who works with the organisation’s health and safety system to set a good example, and to encourage and ...

Officer ordered to have "Due Diligence" training
Up until this time it has been rare to see an Officer of a business or organisation prosecuted, fined and given an order to do WHS training.

Two questions regarding WHS consultation
We often get questions from clients about what they have to do to comply with WHS consultation requirements. Two common questions are...

WHS Training for new people
The answers to this question are not always obvious. The main places to look for the answers are in the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act)

What is a Reasonably Foreseeable Hazard?
As you know, a PCBU has a duty under Section 19 of the WHS Act to ensure, so far as "reasonably practicable", the health and safety of...

Risks of Falls at Workplaces
Falls from height can occur in many industries. Your workplace may have one or more areas where there is a potential for falling from ...

Why SafeWork NSW Prosecuted the Worker
A Worker was convicted in early October by the NSW District Court for not complying with his WHS duty under section 28 of the WHS Act....

Management by walking around (MWBA)
Management by Walking Around (MWBA) has been in use for about 44 years. You probably have some knowledge or familiarity with this informal s

SafeWork NSW WHS Roadmap
SafeWork NSW launched their impressive Roadmap for Work Health & Safety for NSW 2022 in August 2016. ....