Provide Information, Training, Instruction, and Supervision
The NSW Code of Practice: How to Manage Health & Safety Risks, has very useful guidance that you can use to compare with the actions ....
What is a Reasonably Foreseeable Hazard?
As you know, a PCBU has a duty under Section 19 of the WHS Act to ensure, so far as "reasonably practicable", the health and safety of...
Tragic Lessons in Work Health & Safety
When a fatality occurs in a workplace it obviously becomes a focus of investigation to discover why it happened. And when it involves the...
Risks of Falls at Workplaces
Falls from height can occur in many industries. Your workplace may have one or more areas where there is a potential for falling from ...
WHS Due Diligence Reviews are Important
The importance of reviewing your WHS management system and ensuring that directors demonstrate their WHS "due diligence" requirements .....
YSM 133 - Ladder Safety at Work and at Home
Ladders are often used at work and at home to get access to higher or lower levels in order to carry out light tasks. But every year many...
What it takes to be a Dogged Safety Champion
We recently came across the true story of a courageous Safety Champion who refused to be diverted from his commitment to carrying out his...
Documenting WHS consultation actions
Is it mandatory to document your WHS consultation actions? The Work Health & Safety Consultation, Co-Operation and Co-Ordination Code of...
Bullying and Reasonable Management Action (2014)
The majority (72.2%) of all the antibullying applications to the Fair Work Commission in the first 3 months of 2014 were about bullying...