“Reasonably Practicable” ... Fried Onions at Bunnings
In 2018 several media outlets ran a story about how Bunnings had changed the way its iconic sausage and bread delicacy could be...

Why SafeWork NSW Prosecuted the Worker
A Worker was convicted in early October by the NSW District Court for not complying with his WHS duty under section 28 of the WHS Act....

Management by walking around (MWBA)
Management by Walking Around (MWBA) has been in use for about 44 years. You probably have some knowledge or familiarity with this informal s

A Fatal Lack of Officer Due Diligence
Two prosecutions of companies and their Officers under the Model WHS Laws may be of interest to anyone who is an Officer themselves. An Offi

Compliance With “Reasonable Suspicion”
An officer or employee of a union who is a WHS entry permit holder has the right to enter your workplace if they have ....

How many First Aiders do you need?
The WHS Regulation 2017 requires every PCBU to have an “adequate” number of trained first aiders. It is up to business owners and company di

Solar UV Radiation Risk Management
Australia can endure some very hot temperatures. Records for Australia going back to the 1800s reveal that there were some months ...

When is a Risk Assessment Not Necessary?
It is well known that assessing the risks of a hazard is an important step in the process of managing risks to health and safety in a...

PCBU Primary Duty of Care
Under Section 19 of the New South Wales WHS Act 2011, a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) has a primary duty of care to...

First WHS conviction for PCBU not consulting with other PCBUs
In May 2016 a PCBU was prosecuted and convicted for not consulting with other PCBUs – Section 46 of the WHS Act 2011. It is the duty ....

How SafeWork NSW Decides on Compliance & Enforcement Action
If a SafeWork NSW Inspector found evidence of a breach of WHS laws in a workplace, the Inspector would carry out the next steps according...

The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies
In 2008 the Attorney-General's Department of the Australian government published a report on their website called ...