Foreign businesses must abide by Australian Work Health and Safety Laws
Many commercial businesses operating in Australia are owned and managed by overseas companies. In most cases, a company from another...

Should an HSC be involved in issue resolution or health and safety disputes?
If a business has not arranged its own issue resolution process it must follow the default procedure outlined in the WHS Regulation ....

WHS penalties to increase...
Except for Victoria, all states and territories in Australia will see a significant increase in the value of WHS penalties, and the ...

Enforceable Undertaking $1.4 Million with Industry & Community Benefits
When a PCBU (business, organisation, corporation) has entered into an enforceable undertaking with SafeWork NSW it means that SafeWork...

Preventing Workplace Injuries
Two recent (2019) WHS prosecutions in NSW were based on WHS failures that quite commonly result in serious injuries to workers. This...

Industrial Manslaughter New WHS Offence in Queensland
Under the harmonised WHS system, all States and Territories (except Victoria) have a Work Health & Safety Act based on the model WHS...

How many First Aiders do you need?
The WHS Regulation 2017 requires every PCBU to have an “adequate” number of trained first aiders. It is up to business owners and company di

How SafeWork NSW Decides on Compliance & Enforcement Action
If a SafeWork NSW Inspector found evidence of a breach of WHS laws in a workplace, the Inspector would carry out the next steps according...

The Coercive Information-gathering Powers of Government Agencies
In 2008 the Attorney-General's Department of the Australian government published a report on their website called ...