WHS Law: “Everything old is new again”
When the Model WHS laws commenced in Australia in 2012 it brought to Australia a new and updated look at workplace health and safety and ...
Human Consequences are the Ultimate WHS Penalty
Weekly WHS Article 25th May 2023 Work Health and Safety compliance is not, for most businesses, “penalty-driven” in reality. [1] The...
Common Psychosocial Hazards at Work
Weekly WHS Article 9th February 2023 The NSW WHS Regulation (subclause 55A) defines psychosocial hazard as; “A psychosocial hazard is a...
Codes of Practice and Courts of Law
The Work Health and Safety legislation aims to empower businesses in creating and operating a health and safety management system ...
Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 23rd August 2022 The last three years have seen major changes in how businesses conduct their operations in Australia....
Workers have WHS duties too
Workers have health and safety duties such as being responsible for their own health and safety and taking care around the people ...
Do Workers Have the Right to Cease or Refuse Unsafe Work?
“A worker may cease, or refuse to carry out, work if the worker has a reasonable concern that to carry out the work would expose the...
Enforceable Undertaking $1.4 Million with Industry & Community Benefits
When a PCBU (business, organisation, corporation) has entered into an enforceable undertaking with SafeWork NSW it means that SafeWork...
Preventing Workplace Injuries
Two recent (2019) WHS prosecutions in NSW were based on WHS failures that quite commonly result in serious injuries to workers. This...
Doing a gap analysis may save you from prosecution
In the unfortunate event of there being a WHS incident in your workplace, SafeWork NSW may come out to investigate. When SafeWork NSW...
Officer ordered to have "Due Diligence" training
Up until this time it has been rare to see an Officer of a business or organisation prosecuted, fined and given an order to do WHS training.
“Reasonably Practicable” ... Fried Onions at Bunnings
In 2018 several media outlets ran a story about how Bunnings had changed the way its iconic sausage and bread delicacy could be...
Why SafeWork NSW Prosecuted the Worker
A Worker was convicted in early October by the NSW District Court for not complying with his WHS duty under section 28 of the WHS Act....