Toolbox Talks: A Closer Look at Workplace Communication
Toolbox talks are short, informal safety meetings that take place in the workplace. They reinforce safety protocols and encourage safe...

Worker amputation leads to two businesses prosecuted and fined
A manufacturing facility in Victoria was fined following an incident in which a worker’s finger was amputated while working ...

Judge comes down hard on “reckless indifference”
The following court case is an example of a business owner running a business without sufficient knowledge of their WHS responsibilities ...

Truck Driver Killed by Oncoming Truck
Weekly WHS Article 20th June 2024 What happened? A large, refrigerated transport business has just been convicted and fined $800,000 in...

What are the Legal Protocols for Reporting a 'Notifiable Incident' in New South Wales?
In New South Wales, ensuring the safety of workers and the public is vital. To support this goal, there are clear guidelines for...

Judge emphasizes WHS duties are non-delegable
Non-delegable duties are legal obligations that cannot be transferred to another party. Even if the task is delegated, the original party...

Psychosocial Situations and Psychological Injuries
SafeWork NSW’s Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, lists 14 common psychosocial hazards.

It’s the PCBU’s duty to consult
WHS consultation has always been a major focus for SafeWork NSW as it is a major part of WHS Law. Consultation and communication ...

Reporting processes must include Psychosocial hazards
Processes for reporting work health and safety hazards and incidents are integral to the Safety Management System for every business and ...

What does "Due Diligence" mean in a WHS Context?
Section 27 of the WHS Act 2011requires that, officers of a PCBU “must exercise due diligence to ensure..."

Psychosocial Risks – Inform, Train, Instruct, Supervise
Psychosocial hazards and risks were specifically incorporated into the WHS Regulation on 1 October 2022 and such hazards and risks must ...

Psychosocial Hazards and “Gaslighting”
The term “gaslighting” is a term which describes conduct also known as “subtle workplace bullying.” Hazards, risks, and incidents ....

Working From Home
Weekly WHS Article 23rd August 2022 The last three years have seen major changes in how businesses conduct their operations in Australia....