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WHS Committee Refresher Course
Why do this course?
This course is suited for:
persons who are on a health and safety committee who have not done formal HSR or HSC-specific training since the 2011 WHS legislation changes but are experienced as committee members.
Committee members who have done the SafeWork NSW Initial 5 day HSR course and are also worker reps of a health and safety committee.
Committee members who are PCBU representatives of the committee and are interested in gaining or refreshing basic information on HSCs from the perspective of the PCBU's duty to consult the workforce on health and safety matters.
NOTE. This course is not recommended for persons who have done the pre-Model Law OHS Consultation course (2001-2011) only. We would recommend that they do the current SafeWork NSW Initial 5 day HSR course if they are HSRs and committee members, or they do a Courtenell Health and Safety Committee course if management representatives of an existing committee.
Running effective HSCs - Solutions to common problems (
Aims of this course
This course aims to refresh HSC members on the basics of WHS law, the functions of an HSC, and their roles as a member of their health and safety committee as per the WHS Act.
1 Day - 9am to 4.00pm
Delivery Locations
This course is available for delivery at your site.
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